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Ravelry Name: justrunknit
Ravelry Designer Page and Designer Website
Megan Williams spends her days working with computers and doctors in Rochester, MN, and her evenings chasing around her 3 children, a bicycling husband, and knitting late into the night. In addition to being a Knitter, with a capital K, Megan designs knitwear, has a video knitting podcast called Stockinette Zombies, organizes a knitting retreat every year called Zombie Knitpocalypse, and tries to fit in a run every now and then. You can follow her crazy life and what she is knitting now at and JustRunKnit on Instagram.

Ravelry Name: shanalines
Ravelry Designer Page and Designer Website
I am an architect with experience teaching technical and design studio courses in several higher education venues. I bring my experience of geometry and writing design syllabi to my pattern writing. My patterns are mostly modular designs, and mostly garter stitch! In pattern writing, I strive to make legible directions that allow the knitter to customize their own work in the process. I try to pay attention to maximizing yardage and adaptability of styling in my work. Throughout all of my endeavors, I love connecting with individuals, helping them to become the best version of themselves. I aim to write my patterns in a way to foster this creative expression in you, the knitter. I hope you have fun playing with color and style when working my patterns

Ravelry Name: Kino
Ravelry Designer Page and Designer Website
Mary Hull is the designer and podcaster behind Kino Knits. Think interesting stitches, unique constructions, off-the-beaten path destinations... I take my role as your knitting guide very seriously. All patterns are meticulously drafted, tech edited, and test knit so you can be sure your path is clear. I believe you should be able to get good value out of your yarn, which is why I have so many patterns designed for flexible yardage. I also believe that collaboration is better than competition, which is why I started the Point/Counterpoint series, with Volume 6 now in the works! In short, my mission is to help process knitters create beautiful products. Let’s go!

Ravelry Name: loonyhiker
Ravelry Designer Page
I started crocheting, knitting and spinning in 2007. I feel designing something is a lot like solving a puzzle and I love puzzles. I've been designing since 2017 and really enjoyed designing socks and shawls. Lately I've started bringing color work into my designs. I hope that people who use my patterns find them easy to follow and enjoy the finished product. I hope my designs bring people joy.

Ravelry Name: YumiYarns
Designer Website
I’ve always been a lover of beautiful yarn, even before I knew what to do with it. Since I started knitting and crocheting in 2007 my stash has grown tremendously and all that yarny goodness is what sparks the creativity in my designs which are published in the YumiYarns pattern line, through Knitpicks, Love Crafts and in Knitter’s Magazine. I believe that crafters can bring tons of positivity to the world, so 10% of all Yumi Yarns pattern sales are donated to various organizations (chosen monthly) to support social change. Yumi Yarns knitting patterns are designs geared towards process knitters who also want beautiful and fun finished objects. Most patterns are paired with video tutorials and learning resources via to help you painlessly grow your crafting skills and encourage you to keep trying new techniques. Let’s cast-on something happy!

Ravelry Designer Page
Julia is a self-taught fiber enthusiast who has knit or spun almost every day for the past 20+ years. She began designing when her kids were small, making little sweaters and accessories. She has since branched out into adult knitwear, especially socks and shawls, that are geared to make the most of your stash without causing stress or boredom. Julia is based in Easton, PA with her husband and three children. When she’s not knitting in the “mom-taxi” or crafting at home, she is teaching at her LYS. You can find her patterns on Ravelry or Lovecrafts as WeeSheepKnits.

Ravelry Name: JanisFicker
Ravelry Designer Page
After spending Undergrad and Grad School at the Savannah College of Art and Design, Janis found her job wasn’t as creative as she thought it would be. After a few failed attempts to find a creative outlet, knitting became her drug of choice. In 2008 she left her “real job” and started working with a network marketing company. This allowed her a lot of free time which she naturally filled with knitting, then a podcast - the Carolina Fiber Girls, a bit of designing and most recently co-owning Queen City Yarns with her friend Christen. Janis lives in Charlotte, with her husband Brian and their two black cats. You can find her in all of the places as JanisFicker and

Ravelry Name: paperdaisy1
Ravelry Designer Page and Designer Website
My name is Lisa Ross and I’m a mother of four boys living in Bloomington, Indiana. I love to play with color, texture, and design elements to create something original that is as much fun to knit as it is to wear. Every pattern is thoughtfully constructed with the knitter in mind, with photo tutorials for challenging techniques, easy-to-follow formatting, and clear descriptions. I particularly love designing socks and shawls, and I've never met a mini-skein I didn't covet!

Ravelry Name: ImaginedLandscape
Ravelry Designer Page and Designer Website
I love gnomes. A lot. To my delight, lots of other knitters have joined me in #nevernotgnoming. When I’m not knitting gnomes, I’m working on knitting patterns for everyday adventures. I'm inspired by the landscapes I travel through - whether I'm travelling or just daydreaming.

Kristen Drucker
Ravelry Name: kdrucker
Ravelry Designer Page
I learned to knit and crochet when I was young, from my grandmother. I picked both back up while in graduate school, earning a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Mayo Clinic. I am currently doing research on IDH-mutant low-grade glioma at Mayo in Rochester MN, spending time with my husband and two kids, growing veggies in our backyard in the summer, and keeping my hands busy knitting and designing knitwear.

Stephanie Lotven
Ravelry Name: needlesandyarn
Ravelry Designer Page and Designer Website
Stephanie Lotven is a knitwear designer, yarn addict, and photographer. Creator of Tellybean Knits, Stephanie has been designing knitting patterns for almost a decade. Her designs deal with the geometry of the body, seeking to highlight its natural contours using unexpected, uncomplicated shapes. Stephanie has a background in teaching English as a second language to students of all ages. She believes that learning should be joyful, and that no knitter should struggle when yarn is present. She is the author of "Knit Happy with Self-Striping Yarn.

Josh Ryks-Robinsky
Ravelry Name: rebelpupknits
Ravelry Designer Page
Josh Ryks-Robinsky is the designer behind Rebel Pup Knits designs. He is a color-obsessed knitter and designer from Minnesota. As a self-taught knitter, Josh has been altering patterns and challenging himself to learn since the moment a pair of sticks and string were put in his hands. After learning the basic knit, purl, increases, and decreases, Josh decided to jump right on and explore all the knitting world had to offer! He loves short rows, color, lines, squishy garter stitch, and graphic PUNCH - and he’ll always have at least one shawl in his project bag! Geometric lines and graphic color combos are two of his favorite things! He lives with his amazing husband in Minneapolis and their two adorably cute su-purr-visors.

Heather Laws
Ravelry Name: bunnifish
Ravelry Designer Page and Designer Website
Heather has been a maker of things since she figured out how her hands worked. Her grandma taught her how to crochet when she was five to help combat the persistent fidgeting that came with ADHD. Heather has taught herself to knit a decade ago and has been enjoying manipulating stitches ever since. Her main inspiration for design is, "What if...?"